We’ve been talking about iOS 5 speech-to-text feature known as iOS 5 assistant but we haven’t seen anything real. That’s why Jan-Michael Cart has created a mockup video (courtesy of MacRumors) to show what the new iOS 5 Assistant feature may look like.
Apple is expected to launch the iOS 5 at its next-generation iPhone(s) even scheduled for next Tuesday, October 4th.
Assistant feature in iOS 5 is said to be the biggest software feature in iPhone 5. It will allow you to “speak” to your iPhone and get your words written and carry out so tasks as sending SMS, creating events and reminders or write notes
watch the feature now:: http://youtu.be/aZ-xC3g0duA
Another artist rendition (above) shows how will the Assistant interface look likes. This interface is based on some reliable sources, here’s how it will work:
Assistant feature in iOS 5 is said to be the biggest software feature in iPhone 5. It will allow you to “speak” to your iPhone and get your words written and carry out so tasks as sending SMS, creating events and reminders or write notes
watch the feature now:: http://youtu.be/aZ-xC3g0duA
Another artist rendition (above) shows how will the Assistant interface look likes. This interface is based on some reliable sources, here’s how it will work:
After a long press on the home button, the screen fades and slides up, just like with the multitasking interface. Revealed is a silver icon with an animated orbiting purple flare which indicates a ready state. From what we’ve been told, this image is a close representation of the actual Assistant interface.
there is some bug in blogger... and the the video is not showing so just copy link :http://www.youtube.com/embed/aZ-xC3g0duA and paste in a new tab